The Fearless Lover

The Fearless Lover

Early-Bird Special: $29 (Regularly $497)

Early-Bird Special: $29 (Regularly $497)

Are You Ready to

Awaken the Fearless Lover ?

Are You Ready to

Awaken the Fearless Lover ?

Dissolve the 3 Biggest Shadows Blocking You From Experiencing Your Deepest Love, Connection and Intimacy Possible

Dissolve the 3 Biggest Shadows Blocking You From Experiencing Your Deepest Love, Connection and Intimacy Possible


Why do modern day relationships feel like

such a battle

All relationships begin with the best of intentions.

An unceasing, heart-pounding desire. 

A rich connection built atop deep trust and a lusty tussle of mind, body and soul. 

A genuine wantingness to gift your partner the love, affection and reverence they need to step into their fullest expression.

But as time wears on, something strange happens. 

Three-hour bedroom sessions turn into epic, three-hour fights on the kitchen floor.

Affection slowly morphs into stinging resentment and unceasing tension.

The freedom and expansion you initially felt quickly degrades into a feeling of endless compromise, constant second-guessing, and painful self-contraction.

The unimpeded flow of love and reverence slowly recedes into a shitty game of quid-pro-quo, ripe with unspoken entitlements, murky expectations and endless conditions. 

All relationships begin with the best of intentions.

An unceasing, heart-pounding desire. 

A rich connection built atop deep trust and a lusty tussle of mind, body and soul. 

A genuine wantingness to gift your partner the love, affection and reverence they need to step into their fullest expression.

But as time wears on, something strange happens. 

Three-hour bedroom sessions turn into epic, three-hour fights on the kitchen floor.

Affection slowly morphs into stinging resentment and unceasing tension.

The freedom and expansion you initially felt quickly degrades into a feeling of endless compromise, constant second-guessing, and painful self-contraction.

The unimpeded flow of love and reverence slowly recedes into a shitty game of quid-pro-quo, ripe with unspoken entitlements, murky expectations and endless conditions. 

The result? 

The result? 

A deadly cocktail of bitterness, resentment and betrayal that slowly eats away at whatever genuine connection and spark was there in the first place.

A deadly cocktail of bitterness, resentment and betrayal that slowly eats away at whatever genuine connection and spark was there in the first place.

Nobody goes into a relationship or marriage hoping for emotional bloodshed and endless hurt. Yet when we fail to recognize this ONE simple truth, we doom it from the start.  

Nobody goes into a relationship or marriage hoping for emotional bloodshed and endless hurt. Yet when we fail to recognize this ONE simple truth, we doom it from the start.  



Your relationship is an initiatory fire of the

For something as common as intimate relationships, it’s tragic how so few ever come to appreciate just how challenging and soul-expanding they can be.

It’s not meant to be this stagnant, comfortable and convenient “thing” you coast through.

It’s very purpose is to expose your shadows and awaken you to new depths of love, power and intimacy.

Yet so few partners are able to brave these flames.

Instead of taking ownership over their hurts and triggers -- they quickly blame.

Instead of speaking the hard truths that can thrust the relationship into new levels of depth and connection, they walk on eggshells, waiting for the relationship to somehow fix itself.

Instead of leaning into their hurts and fears, they withdraw their love and affection, reducing the lifeblood of the relationship itself into a lifeless, 

ever-depreciating currency.

And in truth, with all the false conditioning we’ve received about relationships, we never really stood a chance.

For something as common as intimate relationships, it’s tragic how so few ever come to appreciate just how challenging and soul-expanding they can be.

It’s not meant to be this stagnant, comfortable and convenient “thing” you coast through.

It’s very purpose is to expose your shadows and awaken you to new depths of love, power and intimacy.

Yet so few partners are able to brave these flames.

Instead of taking ownership over their hurts and triggers -- they quickly blame.

Instead of speaking the hard truths that can thrust the relationship into new levels of depth and connection, they walk on eggshells, waiting for the relationship to somehow fix itself.

Instead of leaning into their hurts and fears, they withdraw their love and affection, reducing the lifeblood of the relationship itself into a lifeless, 

ever-depreciating currency.

And in truth, with all the false conditioning we’ve received about relationships, we never really stood a chance.

highest order

The 3 most damaging myths about modern-day


Your relationship should always be smooth and harmonious: 

Your relationship should always be smooth and harmonious: 

True relationship is a passport to an exhilarating, heart-pounding encounter with deeper truth and personal revelation. But like any wild adventure, there’s very little room for a false sense of tranquility. .

Rather, a relationship hellbent on achieving artificial harmony will always crumble.

What must be understood is that relationships are always mutually supportive, yet rarely in the ways we’d expect or hope for.

But even in their friction, they always spark a fire and shine a light on something worth examining.

Relationships, like nothing else, will coax out our fears, attachments and insecurities, while providing us with the fertile ground for practicing genuine compassion, intimacy and connection.

Relationships thrive when truths can be spoken with equal parts power and compassion.

True relationship is a passport to an exhilarating, heart-pounding encounter with deeper truth and personal revelation. But like any wild adventure, there’s very little room for a false sense of tranquility. .

Rather, a relationship hellbent on achieving artificial harmony will always crumble.

What must be understood is that relationships are always mutually supportive, yet rarely in the ways we’d expect or hope for.

But even in their friction, they always spark a fire and shine a light on something worth examining.

Relationships, like nothing else, will coax out our fears, attachments and insecurities, while providing us with the fertile ground for practicing genuine compassion, intimacy and connection.

Relationships thrive when truths can be spoken with equal parts power and compassion.

It’s all his (or her) fault and they should make the first move to fix it: 

It’s all his (or her) fault and they should make the first move to fix it: 

We’ve been bred into believing that any conflict or hurt is our partner’s fault.

In this insidious belief, there’s a sense that our partner “owes” us. There’s an indebtedness and a betrayal that lingers, festers, and ultimately expresses itself in some epic blow up that inflicts further harm.

But nothing is ever linear. Your relationship isn’t cut and dry. And the insistence on “being the victim” serves nobody.

In something so interdependent and ever-shifting as a relationship, there is no convenient “cause and effect” that can ever make your partner 100% repsonsible for what you’re feeling.

Yet in our prideful reluctance, we hold steadfast for the apology that may never come.

Instead of initiating the opportunity for healing, growth and transformation, we sink ourselves deeper into a hole of anger and despair. We coldly withdraw our love and affection.

We’ve been bred into believing that any conflict or hurt is our partner’s fault.

In this insidious belief, there’s a sense that our partner “owes” us. There’s an indebtedness and a betrayal that lingers, festers, and ultimately expresses itself in some epic blow up that inflicts further harm.

But nothing is ever linear. Your relationship isn’t cut and dry. And the insistence on “being the victim” serves nobody.

In something so interdependent and ever-shifting as a relationship, there is no convenient “cause and effect” that can ever make your partner 100% repsonsible for what you’re feeling.

Yet in our prideful reluctance, we hold steadfast for the apology that may never come.

Instead of initiating the opportunity for healing, growth and transformation, we sink ourselves deeper into a hole of anger and despair. We coldly withdraw our love and affection.

The strength of a relationship is marked by how long it lasts

The strength of a relationship is marked by how long it lasts

When we measure the success of a relationship or marriage in “years spent” instead of “growth inspired”, we foolishly miss the point.

Endurance, suppression of pain, and stunting of one's growth in the name of forced continuity may earn you a shitty fiftieth anniversary party at your local banquet hall. But the trade-off is insurmountable.

The true purpose of relationship isn’t artificial harmony or self-masochistic suffering.

Your relationship, in its fullest expression is a powerful container for healing, revelation, and awakening. This is what ultimately gets revealed once we confront and dissolve the shadows guarding this most precious gift.

When we measure the success of a relationship or marriage in “years spent” instead of “growth inspired”, we foolishly miss the point.

Endurance, suppression of pain, and stunting of one's growth in the name of forced continuity may earn you a shitty fiftieth anniversary party at your local banquet hall. But the trade-off is insurmountable.

The true purpose of relationship isn’t artificial harmony or self-masochistic suffering.

Your relationship, in its fullest expression is a powerful container for healing, revelation, and awakening. This is what ultimately gets revealed once we confront and dissolve the shadows guarding this most precious gift.

Approached with reverence and awareness, there are few things more potent than your relationship for lighting up your shadows and pushing you towards growth.

Approached with reverence and awareness, there are few things more potent than your relationship for lighting up your shadows and pushing you towards growth.

If you currently find yourself in a committed partnership, you’re blessed with a precious opportunity to accelerate your growth on every level.

Unfortunately most will never awaken to the opportunity before them -- let alone seize it.

Rather, they’ll continue playing out the same destructive patterns over and over again -- from one relationship to the next -- never getting a taste of the lessons or awakenings that were right before them all along.

But if you’re one of the brave few who’s ready to courageously confront the 3 biggest shadow patterns guarding this most sacred treasure…

Then it’s my absolute honor to invite you to join us inside:

If you currently find yourself in a committed partnership, you’re blessed with a precious opportunity to accelerate your growth on every level.

Unfortunately most will never awaken to the opportunity before them -- let alone seize it.

Rather, they’ll continue playing out the same destructive patterns over and over again -- from one relationship to the next -- never getting a taste of the lessons or awakenings that were right before them all along.

But if you’re one of the brave few who’s ready to courageously confront the 3 biggest shadow patterns guarding this most sacred treasure…

Then it’s my absolute honor to invite you to join us inside:

The Fearless Lover

An epic 3-part initiation into the most exhilarating, heart-pounding levels of trust, love and intimacy you’ve ever experienced

An epic 3-part initiation into the most exhilarating, heart-pounding levels of trust, love and intimacy you’ve ever experienced

Overcome old feelings of bitterness, anger and resentment

Overcome old feelings of bitterness, anger and resentment

Tap into the innocence and “inherent goodness” of your partner, while confronting the triggered parts of you still hellbent on “making war”.  

Tap into the innocence and “inherent goodness” of your partner, while confronting the triggered parts of you still hellbent on “making war”.  

Connect to a wellspring of deep compassion and connection

Connect to a wellspring of deep compassion and connection

Forgive past hurts, while opening up to the possibility of experiencing unconditional love and compassion for your partner. 

Forgive past hurts, while opening up to the possibility of experiencing unconditional love and compassion for your partner. 

Relate to your partner more intimately and authentically than ever before

Relate to your partner more intimately and authentically than ever before

Learn how to create a relational environment where each of you feels seen, heard, and supported for who you are and who you’re working to become.

Learn how to create a relational environment where each of you feels seen, heard, and supported for who you are and who you’re working to become.

Give up the need for a transactional “quid pro quo” relationship

Give up the need for a transactional “quid pro quo” relationship

Instead, learn how to come from a place of genuinely desiring to gift your partner the love, reverence, healing and support they need to come into their fullest expression. 

Instead, learn how to come from a place of genuinely desiring to gift your partner the love, reverence, healing and support they need to come into their fullest expression. 

Melt away the sense of feeling unheard, unseen and unsupported

Melt away the sense of feeling unheard, unseen and unsupported

Engage in simple but powerful intimacy practices that make “taking each other for granted” all but impossible. 

Engage in simple but powerful intimacy practices that make “taking each other for granted” all but impossible. 

Transcend the illusion of ownership and begin to authentically re-relate

Transcend the illusion of ownership and begin to authentically re-relate

You’ll learn how to give up all stifling expectations, false entitlements or fixed ideas of “who” your partner should be. Instead, you’ll gift them the freedom and encouragement to grow into who they’re meant to be. 

You’ll learn how to give up all stifling expectations, false entitlements or fixed ideas of “who” your partner should be. Instead, you’ll gift them the freedom and encouragement to grow into who they’re meant to be. 

Encourage elevated states of trust, connection and well-being

Encourage elevated states of trust, connection and well-being

Melt away lingering tension, and learn how to saturate your relationship with amplified feelings of awe, gratitude and appreciation.

Melt away lingering tension, and learn how to saturate your relationship with amplified feelings of awe, gratitude and appreciation.

Confront the 3 most painfully-destructive patterns that severely cap the amount of joy, love, and intimacy you’re able to express and receive

How to know when it’s time to consciously leave a relationship -- or lean in deeper with greater courage and commitment (hint: the answer is much simpler than most experts make it out to be)

Why popular books like 5 Love Languages and 7 Habits for Highly Effective People are keeping you stuck in a dangerous, weaponized version of love

Relationships vs. Re-Relating: Why all relationships ultimately “end” -- and how to constantly reinvent them to serve your mutual growth and evolution

Why the transience of a one night stand often brings more reverence and sacredness than a so-called ‘committed” relationship -- and how to instantly reverse this. 

Confront the 3 most painfully-destructive patterns that severely cap the amount of joy, love, and intimacy you’re able to express and receive

How to know when it’s time to consciously leave a relationship -- or lean in deeper with greater courage and commitment (hint: the answer is much simpler than most experts make it out to be)

Why popular books like 5 Love Languages and 7 Habits for Highly Effective People are keeping you stuck in a dangerous, weaponized version of love

Relationships vs. Re-Relating: Why all relationships ultimately “end” -- and how to constantly reinvent them to serve your mutual growth and evolution

Why the transience of a one night stand often brings more reverence and sacredness than a so-called ‘committed” relationship -- and how to instantly reverse this. 

Experience a powerful guided initiation to help expose and dissolve the beliefs, identities, and shadows that prevent you from authentically relating with your partner

Melt away months or years worth of anger, bitterness and resentment

Powerfully cleanse and release the toxic patterns, pent up anger and stored tension that have been festering for months or years.

Awaken the archetype of The Fearless Lover™ and grant “him” or “her” greater authority and influence over your relationship.

Experience a powerful guided initiation to help expose and dissolve the beliefs, identities, and shadows that prevent you from authentically relating with your partner

Melt away months or years worth of anger, bitterness and resentment

Powerfully cleanse and release the toxic patterns, pent up anger and stored tension that have been festering for months or years.

Awaken the archetype of The Fearless Lover™ and grant “him” or “her” greater authority and influence over your relationship.

The 5 core practices for integrating your Fearless Lover™ and granting him (or her) full reign over your intimate relationship.

A basic and advanced version of the King’s Gaze™ meditation that cultivates heightened states of intimacy, unconditional love and deep reverence between you and your partner.

A short 5-minute nightly practice to help your partner feel more seen, heard, and appreciated than ever before

The 5 core practices for integrating your Fearless Lover™ and granting him (or her) full reign over your intimate relationship.

A basic and advanced version of the King’s Gaze™ meditation that cultivates heightened states of intimacy, unconditional love and deep reverence between you and your partner.

A short 5-minute nightly practice to help your partner feel more seen, heard, and appreciated than ever before

Part 3:
Integrating The Fearless Lover

This short program was created with ONE single intention in mind -- to  offer you and your partner the insights, healings and awakenings needed to step into the fullest expression of your relationship.

If for whatever reason you find that the lessons, initiations and intimacy practices don’t dramatically increase the depth of your connection, simply send an email to within 30 days for a FULL refund.

This short program was created with ONE single intention in mind -- to  offer you and your partner the insights, healings and awakenings needed to step into the fullest expression of your relationship.

If for whatever reason you find that the lessons, initiations and intimacy practices don’t dramatically increase the depth of your connection, simply send an email to within 30 days for a FULL refund.

Unlimited access to stunning training videos for a one-time purchase of $29

An epic guided initiation practice to Awaken The Fearless Lover™

5 powerful intimacy practices that will serve you and your partner for years to come

Expertly recorded audio meditations

Workbook and practice guide

Special early-bird discount on future programs, events and initiations. 

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Unlimited access to stunning training videos for a one-time purchase of $29

An epic guided initiation practice to Awaken The Fearless Lover™

5 powerful intimacy practices that will serve you and your partner for years to come

Expertly recorded audio meditations

Workbook and practice guide

Special early-bird discount on future programs, events and initiations. 

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Is this program for men, women or couples?

Is this program for men, women or couples?

All of the above. While much of the material is presented from the masculine perspective, the destructive shadows and patterns we’ll be confronting and dissolving are often present in BOTH partners (and therefore, constantly reinforcing one another).

All the guided intimacy practices are geared to be done with a partner.

All of the above. While much of the material is presented from the masculine perspective, the destructive shadows and patterns we’ll be confronting and dissolving are often present in BOTH partners (and therefore, constantly reinforcing one another).

All the guided intimacy practices are geared to be done with a partner.

Is this for married couples or those who are still dating?

Is this for married couples or those who are still dating?

This is for all couples, married or not, who are deeply committed to exploring the depths of their relationship, while doing away with all outdated patterns of bitterness and resentment. 

This is for all couples, married or not, who are deeply committed to exploring the depths of their relationship, while doing away with all outdated patterns of bitterness and resentment. 

Do I need to be in an exclusive relationship?

Do I need to be in an exclusive relationship?

No. The only prerequisite is that both partners have the genuine DESIRE to deepen their intimacy and connection on every level, while using the relationship as a container for greater states of healing and awakening.   

No. The only prerequisite is that both partners have the genuine DESIRE to deepen their intimacy and connection on every level, while using the relationship as a container for greater states of healing and awakening.   

My partner and I are crazy busy between kids/career. Will we have time for this?

My partner and I are crazy busy between kids/career. Will we have time for this?

Ultimately, that’s for you and your partner to decide. 

What I can tell you with total certainty, however, is that everything you’re building together (including family) will be a direct extension of the strength of your love and intimate connection. 

If you’re willing to make that a high priority, we’ve consciously structured Awakening The Fearless Lover™ to accommodate even the busiest partners.

The training workshops are short and can be absorbed in less than an hour -- while practicing the intimacy exercises for just 45 minutes a week will earn you life-changing results that serve everything else you’re doing.

Ultimately, that’s for you and your partner to decide. 

What I can tell you with total certainty, however, is that everything you’re building together (including family) will be a direct extension of the strength of your love and intimate connection. 

If you’re willing to make that a high priority, we’ve consciously structured Awakening The Fearless Lover™ to accommodate even the busiest partners.

The training workshops are short and can be absorbed in less than an hour -- while practicing the intimacy exercises for just 45 minutes a week will earn you life-changing results that serve everything else you’re doing.

Are intimacy practices PG or R-Rated?

Are intimacy practices PG or R-Rated?

All the meditations and practices are PG-rated (no physical contact or nudity unless you choose)

Awakening Your Fearless Lover™ is about cultivating the deepest connection and emotional intimacy you’ve ever encountered -- while dissolving the most destructive patterns that inhibit the flow of genuine love and desire. 

This will naturally have incredible benefits and carry-over into your physical intimacy.

All the meditations and practices are PG-rated (no physical contact or nudity unless you choose)

Awakening Your Fearless Lover™ is about cultivating the deepest connection and emotional intimacy you’ve ever encountered -- while dissolving the most destructive patterns that inhibit the flow of genuine love and desire. 

This will naturally have incredible benefits and carry-over into your physical intimacy.

What’s your guarantee?

What’s your guarantee?

We’re absolutely confident that Awakening The Fearless Lover™ will be the fastest, and most powerful path you’ve ever taken towards greater intimacy with your partner. That said, if for whatever reason things just aren’t resonating with you and your partner, you’ll have 30 days to request a full refund.

We’re absolutely confident that Awakening The Fearless Lover™ will be the fastest, and most powerful path you’ve ever taken towards greater intimacy with your partner. That said, if for whatever reason things just aren’t resonating with you and your partner, you’ll have 30 days to request a full refund.

I’ve seen similar programs selling for literally 3-5x the price, why’s this 

I’ve seen similar programs selling for literally 3-5x the price, why’s this 

While the practices inside Awakening the Fearless Lover™ have been perfected and refined over many years, this is the first time they’re being made publically available to a global audience. 

When it reopens, Awakening Your Fearless Lover™ will sell for $497. But because we want to make it super-easy for committed partners to say “yes”, we’re offering the lowest introductory price possible. 

In return, we ask that you share your experience with a testimonial so that future students can benefit.

While the practices inside Awakening the Fearless Lover™ have been perfected and refined over many years, this is the first time they’re being made publically available to a global audience. 

When it reopens, Awakening Your Fearless Lover™ will sell for $497. But because we want to make it super-easy for committed partners to say “yes”, we’re offering the lowest introductory price possible. 

In return, we ask that you share your experience with a testimonial so that future students can benefit.

one so much more affordable?

one so much more affordable?















You currently find yourself in an intimate relationship of any kind.

You currently find yourself in an intimate relationship of any kind.

It doesn’t matter if you’re married or in an open relationship -- or if you’ve been together for 3 weeks or 30 years. As long as you’re in an intimate relationship, the shadows we’ll be confronting in this training have likely been operating in the background -- holding your joy, love and pleasure hostage in the process.  

It doesn’t matter if you’re married or in an open relationship -- or if you’ve been together for 3 weeks or 30 years. As long as you’re in an intimate relationship, the shadows we’ll be confronting in this training have likely been operating in the background -- holding your joy, love and pleasure hostage in the process.  

You’re excited to explore how deep and rich your relationship can be.

You’re excited to explore how deep and rich your relationship can be.

Yes, there are likely unresolved hurts and resentments that need to be confronted. But you want to resolve them. 

You’re not so jaded that you’re simply waiting for the right time to leave. You want to dig your heels in and explore the fullest potential of growth and healing your relationship has to offer.  

And that’s why…

Yes, there are likely unresolved hurts and resentments that need to be confronted. But you want to resolve them. 

You’re not so jaded that you’re simply waiting for the right time to leave. You want to dig your heels in and explore the fullest potential of growth and healing your relationship has to offer.  

And that’s why…



You’re ready to set aside at least 45 minutes per week for the practices:

You’re ready to set aside at least 45 minutes per week for the practices:

They’ve intentionally been created with busy partners in mind. This includes those with busy careers, young kids, and other demands.

But if you’re like many couples, you probably don’t need to find NEW time to spend together on these practices.

You simply need to replace the time you’re currently spending having surface-level conversations, petty arguments, or numbing out on Netflix or social media.

They’ve intentionally been created with busy partners in mind. This includes those with busy careers, young kids, and other demands.

But if you’re like many couples, you probably don’t need to find NEW time to spend together on these practices.

You simply need to replace the time you’re currently spending having surface-level conversations, petty arguments, or numbing out on Netflix or social media.



You’re not meant to spend your days walking on eggshells while the bitterness builds up and metastasizes into a cancerous relationship.  

You’re not meant to spend your days walking on eggshells while the bitterness builds up and metastasizes into a cancerous relationship.  

If you’ve chosen to be in a committed partnership, marriage, or relationship -- you owe it to yourself and your partner to discover how much healing and transformation it’s there to offer.

You only get one shot at your deepest love.

If you’ve chosen to be in a committed partnership, marriage, or relationship -- you owe it to yourself and your partner to discover how much healing and transformation it’s there to offer.

You only get one shot at your deepest love.

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© Quantum King. All Rights Reserved    |    Privacy Policy

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Are You Ready to

Awaken the Fearless Lover ?

Are You Ready to

Awaken the Fearless Lover ?

The Fearless Lover

Dissolve the 3 Biggest Shadows Blocking You From Experiencing Your Deepest Love, Connection and Intimacy Possible

Dissolve the 3 Biggest Shadows Blocking You From Experiencing Your Deepest Love, Connection and Intimacy Possible

The 3 most damaging myths about modern-day



A sneak-peak at the healing & transformation that awaits you and your partner inside Awakening The Fearless Lover


Your 3-Part Journey to Deeper Love, Intimacy &

Part 1:
The Activation

Part 2:
The Initiation

For less than the cost of a 30 minute appointment with a relationship coach or counselor, you’re getting:


People Asked Before Enrolling in The Fearless Lover

I’ve seen similar programs selling for literally 3-5x the price, why’s this one so much more affordable?

I’ve seen similar programs selling for literally 3-5x the price, why’s this one so much more affordable?

Awakening The Fearless Lover will be a portal to deeper love, trust and intimacy if:



© Quantum King. All Rights Reserved

Privacy Policy

© Quantum King. All Rights Reserved

Privacy Policy

We each feel righteous in our withdrawal rather than RESPONSIBLE for the healing and reconciliation we so desperately long for.  

Yet when we insist on the need for our partner to act first, we become kamikaze pilots steering our hearts into inevitable doom. We communicate to ourselves and our partners that we'd rather crash and burn in needless destruction and heartache than pull up to gain higher perspective.

On the other hand, The Fearless Lover™ understands the nuance and interdependence of relationships. He doesn’t hold his happiness hostage waiting for an apology that may or may not come. He makes the first move -- initiating the process of bringing growth and healing to both.

We each feel righteous in our withdrawal rather than RESPONSIBLE for the healing and reconciliation we so desperately long for.  

Yet when we insist on the need for our partner to act first, we become kamikaze pilots steering our hearts into inevitable doom. We communicate to ourselves and our partners that we'd rather crash and burn in needless destruction and heartache than pull up to gain higher perspective.

On the other hand, The Fearless Lover™ understands the nuance and interdependence of relationships. He doesn’t hold his happiness hostage waiting for an apology that may or may not come. He makes the first move -- initiating the process of bringing growth and healing to both.